李连忠 性别: 男 出生日期: 1972.1.18 职称、职务:教授 电话(手机):13093092526 E-mail:llz3497@163.com |
2014.09—至 今, 江南大学理学院工作;
[1] L. Li*, M. Han, Y. liu, Existence and uniqueness of traveling wave front of a nonlinear singularly perturbed system of reaction-diffusion equations with a Heaviside step function[J]. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 410(2014) 202–212.
[2] L. Li*, M. Han, Some new dynamic Opial type inequalities and applications for second order integro-differential dynamic equations on time scales[J]. Appl. Math. Comput. 232 (2014) 542–547.
[3] L. Li*, M. Han, X. Xue and Y. liu, y- Stability of nonlinear Volterra integro-differential systems with time delay[J]. Abstract and Applied Analysis, (2013),1 -5.
[4] L. Li*, Generalized double integral inequalities and their applications in studying the stability of nonlinear integro-differential systems with time delay[J]. Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 19(2013):457–469.
[5] L. Li*, F. Meng, P. Ju. Some new integral inequalities and their applications in studying the stability of nonlinear integro-differential equations with time delay[J]. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 377(2011):853-862.
[6] L. Li*, F. Meng, L. He. Some generalized integral inequalities and their applications[J]. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 372(2010):339-349 .
[7] L. Li*, F. Meng, Zh. Zheng. Some New Oscillation Results For Linear Hamiltonian System[J]. Appl. Math. Comput. 208(2009): 219-224.
[8] L. Li*, F. Meng, Zh. Zheng. Oscillation Results Related to Integral Averaging Technique For Linear Hamiltonian Systems[J]. Dynamic Systems and Applications. 18(2009): 725-736.
[9] F. Meng, L. Li*, Y. Bai, y- stability of nonlinear Volterra integro-differential systems[J]. Dynamic Systems and Applications. 20(2011): 563-574.
[10]Y. Tian , Y. Cai , L. Li and T. Li, Some dynamic integral inequalities with mixed nonlinearities on time scales[J]. Journa lof Inequalities and Applications. ( 2015) 2015:12
[11] L. Li*, F. Meng, Zh. Zheng. Oscillation results for higher even order nonlinear partial functional differential equations of neutral type[J]. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computating. 35 (2011): 431-442 .
[12] Lianzhong Li *a, b , Maoan Han a , Yuanyuan Liu a , Peng Wang a, Some Opial Type Inequalities With Higher Order Delta Derivative on Time Scales[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materialsl. 432 (2013): 185-188 .
[13] L. Li, N. Li, Y. Liu and L. Zhang*, Existence and uniquess of a traveling wave front of a model equation in synaptically coupled neuronal networks[J]. Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation,3(2013): 145-167.
[14] L. Li*, F. Meng, New Results on Oscillation of even Order Neutral Differential Equations with Deviating Arguments[J]. Advances in Pure Mathematics, 1(2011): 49-53.
[15] L. Li*, F. Meng, Zh. Zheng. Oscillation results related to integral averaging technique for even order neutral differential equations with deviating arguments[J]. Annals of Differential Equations. 26( 2010): 414-421.
[16] Y. Tang and L. Li, Oscillation Criteria for a Class of Certain Half-linear Emden-Fowler Functional Differential Equations of Neutral Type[J], Advances in Engineering Research, 110(2017):176-179.
[17] H. Dai and L. Li*, The (G’/G)-Expansion Method for the Sine-Gordon Equation, Sinh-Gordon Equation and Liouville Equaiton[J], Advances in Engineering Research, 110(2017):186-190.
[18] H. Dai and L. Li*, Solitary Wave Solutions to the Sharma-Tasso-Olver Equation and the Similar Hirota-Satsuma KdV System through the Mo dified Simple Equation Method[J], British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science. 17(3) (2016): 1-10,
[19] H. Dai, L. Li*, Y. Wang and F. He, Symmetry Reductions, Dynamical Behavior and Exact Explicit Solutions to the Combined sinh-cosh-Gordon Equation[J], Advances in Mathematics (数学进展), 47(6)(2018).
[20] A. Sha and L. Li*, Backlund Transformation, Painleve Test and Exact Solutions for a Generalized Variable Coefficient mKdV Equation[J], Mathematica Applicata(应用数学), 2018, 31(4): 890-897.
[1] 《数学模型简明教程》,天津教育出版社
1.山东省自然科学基金 ZR2012AL03 非线性积分—微分方程解的定性性质及其稳定性分析与应用, 2012/12-2015/12,4万元,项目主持人;
2.山东省教育厅科技计划项目 J06P55微分方程及其模型理论与应用研究,2006/9-2010/9, 项目主持人;
3.山东省教育厅科技计划项目 J11LA51 微(积)分不等式基础上的微分方程定性理论研究2011/9-2015/9,项目主持人.