刘练珍 性别:女 出生日期:1971.5 职称、职务:教授 电话(手机): 18915328585 E-mail: liulz@jiangnan.edu.cn |
1993.7-2005.12 西藏民族学院
1995.9-1998.7 陕西师范大学数学系
2001.9-2005.7 西安交通大学理学院
2005.12-至今 江南大学理学院
2012.9-2013.9 美国范德堡大学数学系
多值逻辑; 模糊逻辑;软集合;犹豫模糊集;复模糊集
1.Lianzhen Liu, Xiangyang Zhang, Comment on Pythagorean and Complex Fuzzy Set Operations, IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst. DOI 10.1109/TFUZZ.2018.2853749
2.Chuncheng Li, Lianzhen Liu, Notes on “Aggregation functions for typical hesitant fuzzy elements and the action of automorphisms”[Inform. Sci. 255 (2014) 82–99], Information Sciences 381 (2017) 283–289.
3.Lianzhen Liu, Xiangyang Zhang, Parametrization Filters and Their Properties in Residuated Lattices, Quantitative Logic and Soft Computing 2016,Volume 510 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing pp 373-384, 2016.
4.Lei Xiao, Lianzhen Liu, A note on some filters in residuated lattices, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 30 (2016): 493–500.
5.Michal Botur, Jan Kühr, Lianzhen Liu, Constantine Tsinakis, The Conrad Program: From l-groups to algebras of logic, Journal of Algebra 450 (2016): 173–203.
6.Lianzhen Liu, Generalized intuitionistic fuzzy filters on residuated lattices,Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 28 (2015): 1545–1552.
7.Lianzhen Liu, Xiangyang Zhang, Implicative and positive implicative prefilters of EQ-algebras, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 26 (2014): 2087–2097.
8.Lianzhen Liu, On the existence of states on MTL-algebras, Information Sciences 220 (2013): 559–567.
9.Lianzhen Liu, On the existence of states on residuated lattices, quantitative logic and soft computing,world scientific proceedings series on computer engineering and information science 5, 2012:458-463.
10.Lianzhen Liu, Xiangyang Zhang, States on finite linearly ordered IMTL-algebras, Soft Comput., (2011) 15:2021–2028.
11.Liu Lianzhen, States on finite monoidal t-norm based algebras, Information Sciences 181 (2011): 1369–1383.
12.Lianzhen Liu, Xiangyang Zhang, Applications of Transfer Principle to fuzzy theory with thresholds, Proceedings of International Conference on Quantitative Logic and Quantification of Software, 2009:125-129.
13.Liu Lianzhen, Zhang Xiangyang, States on R_0 algebras, Soft Comput 12(2008): 1099-1104.
14.Liu Lianzhen, Li Kaitai, Boolean filters and positive implicative filters of residuated lattices, Information Sciences 177(2007): 5725-5738.
15.Liu Lianzhen, Li Kaitai, R0 algebras and weak dually residuated lattice ordered semigroups, Czech. Math. J. 56(2006): 339-348.
16.Liu Lianzhen, Li Kaitai, Fuzzy Boolean and positive implicative filters of BL-algebras, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 152(2005): 333-348.
17.Lianzhen Liu, Kaitai Li, Fuzzy filters of BL-algebras, Information Sciences 173 (2005): 141-154.
1.国家自然科学基金:基于剩余格的模糊逻辑研究(60605017,2007.01-2007.12),已结题, 主持人。
主持江南大学校级教改项目: 基于学生专业背景的大学数学教学方法探索与改革
硕士 2 人
硕士 6人