毛亚文 性别:女 出生日期:1991.5.30 职称、职务:副教授 电话(手机):15961725699 E-mail:myw0530@163.com |
2009.9-2013.6 江南大学,物联网工程学院,自动化,本科
2013.9-2019.6 江南大学,物联网工程学院,控制科学与工程,硕博
2016.10-2018.10 阿尔伯塔大学,化学与材料工程学院,联合培养博士
2019.7-至今 江南大学,理学院,信息与计算科学系,副教授
[1] Mao Y, Ding F, Xu L, and Hayat T. (2019). Highly efficient parameter estimation algorithms for Hammerstein non-linear systems. IET Control Theory & Applications, 13, 477-485. (SCI).
[2] Liu S, Mao Y, and Liu J. (2019). Model predictive control with generalized zone tracking. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Doi: 10.1109/TAC.2019.2902041, (SCI).
[3] Nahar J, Liu S, Mao Y, Liu J, and Shan S. (2019). Closed-loop scheduling and control for precision irrigation. Industrial & Engineering Chemical Research, 58(26), 11485-11497. (SCI).
[4] Mao Y, Liu S, Nahar J, Liu J, and Ding F. (2018). Soil moisture regulation of agro-hydrological systems using zone model predictive control. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 154, 239-247. (SCI).
[5] Mao Y, Ding F, and Liu Y. (2017). Parameter estimation algorithms for Hammerstein time-delay systems based on the orthogonal matching pursuit scheme. IET Signal Processing, 11(3), 265-274. (SCI).
[6] Mao Y, Ding F, and Yang E. (2017). Adaptive filtering-based multi-innovation gradient algorithm for input nonlinear systems with autoregressive noise. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 31(10), 1388-1400. (SCI).
[7] Mao Y, Ding F, Alsaedi A, and Hayat T. (2016). Adaptive filtering parameter estimation algorithms for Hammerstein nonlinear systems. Signal Processing, 128, 417-425. (SCI).
[8] Mao Y, and Ding F. (2016). A novel parameter separation based identification algorithm for Hammerstein systems. Applied Mathematics Letters, 60, 21-27. (SCI).
[9] Mao Y, and Ding F. (2016). Data filtering-based multi-innovation stochastic gradient algorithm for nonlinear output error autoregressive systems. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 35(2), 651-667. (SCI).
[10] Mao Y, and Ding F. (2016). Parameter estimation for nonlinear systems by using the data filtering and the multi-innovation identification theory. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 93(11), 1869-1885. (SCI).
[11] Mao Y, and Ding F. (2015). A novel data filtering based multi-innovation stochastic gradient algorithm for Hammerstein nonlinear systems. Digital Signal Processing, 46, 215-225. (SCI).
[12] Mao Y, and Ding F. (2015). Multi-innovation stochastic gradient identification for Hammerstein controlled autoregressive autoregressive systems based on the filtering technique. Nonlinear Dynamics, 79(3), 1745-1755. (SCI).
[13] Liu Y and Mao Y. (2015). 一类基于预测的自适应PID控制器. 系统仿真学报. 27(11), 2778-2783.
[14] Xu C, Wen Z, Mao Y, and Bai R. (2013). 轴承表面缺陷检测系统的研究与开发. 计算机应用与软件. 30, 116-119.
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