




职称、职务: 副教授  




英属哥伦比亚大学(UBC)电子计算机系博士后,蒙特利尔大学博士,本科毕业于哈尔滨工业大学。博士期间师从加拿大光子学领域首席科学家,主要从事光纤传感及太赫兹应用技术。UBC博士后期间荣获2017年度加拿大Mitacs Elevate Fellowship,并承担两项加拿大自然科学与工程研究基金(NSERC Engage)及一项加拿大工业研究项目(IRAP)。期间作为唯一发明人申请两项美国发明专利,均已授权并应用至加拿大XXX公司。

回国后,近几年主持国家自然科学基金两项,省部级项目三项,产学研及横向项目若干项,并入选20182019年度江苏省双创计划(双创博士及科技副总)。曾在中科院苏州医工所以助理研究员身份参与完成中科院重大专项一项,国自然面上项目及青年项目各1项。近五年以第一作者身份在Optics and Laser Technology, Optics Express, Biomedical Optics Express, Sensors and Actuators: Physical, IEEE Transactions on Instrument and Measurement等期刊发表论文二十余篇。申请美国发明专利4项,中国发明专利若干项,参与撰写英文书籍一本。


2018.4-至今, 江南大学,光电信息科学与工程系,副教授。

2017.4-2018.4  英属哥伦比亚大学,电子计算机系,博士后;

2014.5-2017.4,蒙特利尔大学-蒙特利尔工程学院, 博士;





[1] J. Li*, et al. Holographic imaging platform for particle discrimination based on simultaneous mass density and refractive index measurements, submitted to Optics Express, 505822, 2023.

[2] J. Li*, et al. Particle metrology and classification instrumentation based on polarization characterization and support vector machines, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Instrument and Measurement, 2023.

[3] J. Li*, et al. Industrial defect detection system for semi-transparent plastic labels based on improved YOLO v5 and defect GAN, Submitted to Optical Engineering, 20230892G, 2023.

[3] T. Han, Y. Xiong, J. Li*, Non-destructively qualitative and quantitative inspection of sunflower seeds based on THz spectroscopy and imaging, Submitted to Optical Engineering, 20230881G, 2023.

[4] S. Hao, J. Li*, “Hyperbolic metamaterial structures based on graphene for THz super-resolution imaging applications,” Optical Material Express, 13(1), 247-252, 2023.

[5] J. Li*, Design of a single aspheric beam homogenizer for accurate particle sizing application, Applied Optics, 62(14), 3683-3889, 2023.

[6] J. Li*, et al, Particle tracking and identification using on-chip holographic imaging with inertial separation, Optics and Laser Technology, 156, 108602, 2022.

[7] J. Li*, A Review: Development of novel fiber-optic platforms for bulk and surface refractive index sensing applications. Sensors and actuators report, 2, 100018, 2020.

[8] J. Li*, H. Qu, J. Wang, Photonic Bragg waveguide platform for multichannel resonant surface sensing in THz range. Biomedical Optics Express, 11(5), 1-14, 2020.

[9] J. Li*, Z. Li, X. Chen, Infrared and THz thermal detection based on an all-polymer device. Sensors and actuators A Physical, 309,112021, 2020.

[10] J. Li*, and K. Nallappan, “Optimization of hollow-core photonic Bragg fibers toward practical implementations”, Optical Material Express, 9(4) 1640-1653, 2019.

[11] J. Li*, Z. Li, J. Wang, X. Chen, “Study of conductive polymer for infrared thermal detection”, Optical Material Express, 9(11) 4474-4482, 2019.

[12] J. Li*, On the sensitivity of liquid-core photonic Bragg fibers. Optical Engineering, 58(5), 057105. 2019.


[1] J. Li. Digital holography with an internal impactor for particle imaging, classification, and density characterization. US patent, 11073461 (Granted in July 2021).

[2] J. Li. One dimensional beam homogenization with a single aspheric lens for accurate particle sizing instrumentation. US patent, 10823659 (Granted in Nov. 2020).

[3] J. Li, et al., Particle discrimination and classification by multiple-wavelength light scattering, US patent, application no. 63/157,500, (Granted in Sept. 2022).

[4] J. Li, et. al., Compact particle classification based on backscattered polarization detection and support vector machine, US patent, (Filed in Jan. 2022).

[5] 李璟文,基于光电导天线阵列的快速动态太赫兹近场成像系统及其构建方法,CN109490241B,发明专利,已授权。



1. 国家自然科学基金 青年科学基金项目,主持,2020.1-2022.12

2. 国家自然科学基金 国际交流合作项目,主持,2022.1-2024.12

3. 中国面上博士后基金 一等资助,主持,2021.9-2023.8

4. 江苏省双创计划-双创博士,主持,2018.7-2020.6

5. 江苏省产学研项目/江苏省双创计划-科技副总,主持,2019.4-2021.4

6. 企业委托横向项目,化妆品包装罐印刷质量在线检测,主持,2021.1-2021.8

7. 企业委托横向项目,电机外观检测,主持,2021.10-2022.4

8. 企业委托横向项目,果蔬无损检测及智能分拣,主持,2022.9-2022.10

9. 企业委托横向项目,CCM外观检测,主持,2021.6-2022.6

10. 毫米波国家重点实验室开放课题,主持,2021.7-2023.6


1. Mitacs Elevate Fellowship (Canada2017)

2. 江苏省双创计划-双创博士(2018

3. 江苏省双创计划科技副总(2019

4. 第九届全国大学生光电设计竞赛国家三等奖,东部赛区一等奖,《光电智能垃圾分拣车》(指导教师)

5. 第十届全国大学生光电设计竞赛国家三等奖,东部赛区一等奖,《基于无人机遥感影像智能城镇垃圾监管系统》,(指导教师)

6. 第十届全国大学生光电设计竞赛国家三等奖,东部赛区一等奖 《果蔬无损检测及智能分拣》,(指导教师)

7. 第十一届全国大学生光电设计竞赛国家二等奖,东部赛区一等奖 《智能寻宝小车》,(指导教师)




